NSS Activities & Events in Academic Year 2023-2024 @ Yandahalli….


DAY 2 PROGRAMMES: Resource person- Dr. Narasimha Murthy, Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Govt. First Grade College, Sargur.

DAY 3 PROGRAMMES: Resource person Smt. Rekha. Assistant Professor in Teresian College Mysore.

DAY 4 PROGRAMMES: Resource person Sri.Chandrashekar President of Ryuei Ryu Karate Do Kobudo Organization of India.

DAY 5 PROGRAMMES: Resource person Sri.Sunil M.V Assistant Professor in SDM IMD College Mysore.

DAY 6 PROGRAMMES: Resource Person Sri. Karun Sharma Yogic trainer & Philosopher.

DAY 7 PROGRAMMES: Valedictory by Smt. Rekha. Assistant Professor in Teresian College Mysore.